Local Art | San Diego

There’s nothing better than local art – especially when you get to buy it from the artist! We thought that Harry Holiday was just a friendly face we saw as we shopped around the Hillcrest Farmer’s Market in San Diego, but little did we know we would be taking a piece (or pieces) of him home with us last Sunday. All that I know about Harry Holiday, is that he’s nice and he’s from Ocean Beach.

Harry sells prints for $10 each or 3 for $20 – so we opted for the 3 because we loved them and hey, it was a hell of a deal!  We picked up the framed from Craig Frames Inc. online for around $20 each, including shipping. All of the frames arrived safe and sound, and it was easy for me to unroll the prints and mount them.

Now to choose the wall they will call their new home…